Energy healings

What is an energy healing?

All our life since childhood, even in the past lifes, we accumulated in ours bodies some external energies which disturbe the free circulation of our own multidimensional vibration. The healing energy will take off this parasites and will contribue to the free circulation of our energy.

I can give to you an energy heaning in your home or my home in France, Ariège and Aude departments, or online. Send to me a private message in the contact form for more infos.

Reviews from my energy healings:

Catherine: I thank you for the energy healing that you gave to me yesterday. During this healing, I felt warmth and serenity. And since I feel more light, more peaceful, with energy to go forward and break down barriers.Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Sylviane: “I felt more serenity in my heart after your energy healing, a serenity that has been maintained ever since. And Vanille, our cat who was suffering because of her urinary problem, also began to feel soothed in the days following the energy healing you gave her. Thank you very much for your healing intention which was very beneficial."

I done an energy healing formation with Sandra Vimont, supramental speaker, and gave a lot of energy healings after that.